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16. The exhibition «Potato – 2010»



The exhibition «Potato – 2010» - Cheboksary becomes the potato capital.


Carrying out date: February 18-19th, 2010

Carrying out place: Russia, the Chuvash republic, the city of Cheboksary, Shopping Mall «MTV-CENTER»

Organizers: the Ministry of Agriculture of the Chuvash Republic, the Russian Research Potato growing Institute named after A.G.Lorch, the State unitary enterprise of the Chuvash Republic «Agro-innovations»

Information partner: Media group «Krestyanskie vedomosti» («Country journal»)


At support of the Cabinet of the Chuvash Republic on February 18-19th, 2010 in the shopping mall «MTV-CENTER» in Cheboksary there will be held the 2nd inter-regional exhibition «Potato - 2010». The organizer of the exhibition is the Ministry of Agriculture of the Chuvash Republic together with the Russian Research Potato growing Institute named after A.G.Lorch and the state unitary enterprise of the Chuvash Republic «Agro-innovations».

Last year 47 exhibitors from 13 regions of Russia and 2 foreign countries took part in the exhibition.

The purpose of the exhibition this year is popularization of potato growing best practices, demonstration of a great cultivar variety, presentation of new producing and processing technologies, display of selection achievements in potato growing, fruit and vegetable growing, and demonstration of this branch techniques and equipment.

Participants of the exhibition will be able to estimate the results of innovations implementation in potato growing: promising varieties and potato hybrids, effective remedies of plant protection and fertilizer, the newest technologies of potato processing and storage, consulting. Participation in «Potato - 2010» will allow its participants to meet with Chuvash potato producers. «Potato - 2010» is an excellent platform for demonstration of products and services to leading experts and potato consumers. It also gives a possibility to show a brand, to raise recognition of an enterprise, to create interest to production, to make a name of a new company recognizable.

The program of the exhibition provides a great variety of events directed to discussion of potato producing, storage and processing. As part of the exhibition there is a Research and Practice Conference «Innovative technologies of potato producing, storage and processing », a trading floor for potato suppliers and customers.



If you have any question, please, feel free to call or write us at any time – (8352) 45-93-26, agro-in@cap.ru, www.agro-in.cap.ru.


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