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13. Official visit of the delegation from the State of Kogi of the Federal Republic of Nigeria

July 16, the Chuvash Republic was visited by the delegation from the State of Kogi of the Federal Republic of Nigeria at the head of which was the Ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary of the Federal Republic of Nigeria in the Russian Federation – Timothi Mai Shelpidi - and the Governor of the State of Kogi – Akhadzhi Ibrakhim Idris.

During the official visit it is planned to discuss the following problems:


ü  needs of the State of Kogi in agricultural machinery and attached implements;

ü  delivery of Russian construction equipment and technologies (roads, civilian object, pipelines) and mining;

ü  after-sale technical service for local companies;

ü  running courses for machine-operators;

constructing service maintenance centers.
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