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08. International Hop Growers' Convention IHGC newsletter 08/2009

Dear IHGC delegates and hop industry stakeholders,

please find the 3 invitations for the IHGC congress meetings in Strasbourg from 3 - 5 August, 2009 on the updated web site. All interested and still not registered participants are asked by the congress organisation team to finalise their registration during the next week. The contact email is d.tuchscherer@cophoudal.fr.

In addition, the national contact delegates are asked to update their Economic commission statistics and send them by email to the secretariat till July 23, 2009. If there are no changes in hop statistics from the April reports, also those forms could be used.

The German hop growers organisations invite engineers and buyers from breweries throughout the world to participate in the 1st German Hop Day in Tettnang, which takes place from 21st-22nd of August 2009 and is themed “From farmer to brewer”. The contact email is feiner@deutscher-hopfen.de.

Brief comments related to the IHGC could be addressed to the secretariat for further elaboration.

Best regards,

Martin Pavlovic

secretary general

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