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05. “Village of XXI Century”

On June 22, 2009 the manager of the projects of the check company Agro Expo CZ Group - Sergey Osetrov - visited the state unitary enterprise of the Chuvash Republic “Agro-Innovations”. The purpose of his was the presentation of the project by Agro Expo CZ Group called “Village of XXI Century”.
The project envisages provision of the overall infrastructure of a village not less than 80-100 inhabitants including a  multipurpose strip mall, a hotel for 36-42 persons, a nursery school, playgrounds, schools and other educational institutions, 60 one-family houses, 20 two-family houses, purification plants, water-supply system and other services.  It is also planned the construction of the following industrial facilities: 4 pig complexes, 4 cattle complexes, 7 bird complexes, a killing department, a meat processing department, a refrigerated cooler, a feed factory, a machine and tractor station, and a biogas unit.
The coordinator of the project had a chance to meet with the heads of the districts of the Chuvash Republic and to find out more about the development of rural areas of Chuvashia.
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