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01. The exhibition POTATOES. VEGETABLES AND FRUITS – 2009 in the Chuvash Republic gathered all the professionals of the agricultural sector

 Trade exhibition POTATOES. VEGETABLES AND FRUITS – 2009 the only one “potato” event in Russia that took place in “the capital of the potato country” - the Chuvash Republic. The organizers of the exhibition were Department of Agriculture and Rural development of the Chuvash Republic, State unitary enterprise “Agro-Innovations”, Russian Research Potato growing Institute named after A.G.Lorch.

As part of the exhibition (18-20 February, 2009) there was held a Research and Practice Conference “The aspects of the potato growing innovative development” in which 300 delegates from different countries of the world took part. During the conference there were discussed such themes as “Modern strategy of potato protection against buck eye rot. Basic methods of the disease control”, “Potato production”, “Plant protection system. Mineral fertilizers. Biologies and growth factor”, “Equipment and technology, pre-sales planning and logistics”.

There also was a special opportunity to all the participants of the exhibition to place their expositions, to make a presentation, to deliberate about the matters under discussion.

One of the most important parts of the exhibition was the organization of the trading floor for potato suppliers and customers. The trading floor was organized for the first time and it was a great opportunity for direct supplies of the Chuvash organic potato, concluding contracts and memorandums of understanding for the output yield 2009. The Chuvash Republic was ready to host all the participants and large potato consumers who were offered to visit leading farm units for learning potato keeping conditions.

The main organizer and operator of the exhibition was the State Unitary Enterprise of the Chuvash Republic “Agro-Innovations” that provided all visitors with all service packages that were necessary for the exhibition.

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