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03. Executive Director of the Russo-British Chamber of Commerce in the Chuvash Republic

May 24-26, Stephen Dalziel (Executive Director of the Russo-British Chamber of Commence) is on an official visit in Cheboksary.
Under the program of the visit Mr Stephen Dalziel is planning to make a visit to the leading enterprises and organizations of the Chuvash Republic: Concern Tractor Plants, All-Russian Research and Development and design Institute of Relay Construction, Cheboksary Enterprise SESPEL, Federal Center of traumatology, orthopedics and endoprosthesis replacement, Municipal  Educational Institution GYMANSIUM № 5, Chuvash National Museum, National Library of the Chuvash Republic, Sports Complex SYVLAKH in the Morgaushsky district.
This visit of Executive Director of the Russo-British Chamber of Commence is a return visit to the accomplished visit of the delegation from the Chuvash Republic at the head of which was Sergey A. Gaplikov (Chairman of the Cabinet of the Chuvash Republic) to United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland at the beginning of April, 2009.












April 6-10, 2009 the delegation of the Chuvash Republic with Sergey A. Gaplikov in the lead visited United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. The main purpose the visit was calling overseas investments into housing construction, mortgage landing and realization of large investment projects of the republic. During the visit to United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland the presentation of the investment opportunities of the Chuvash Republic was demonstrated in Russian Trade Mission in Great Britain to the business circles of London.

In addition to it, the delegation from the Chuvash Republic conducted negotiations with the Direction of European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, Russo-British Investment Bank, Communities and Local Government, Barking Riverside Company and London School of Economics, and a number of other executives.


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