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OJSC “Chuvashsky broiler”

OJSC poultry plant “Chuvash broiler” was founded on the base of the poultry plant “Kugesenskaya” in June, 1999 by means of the investment assets infusion of the group of companies named “Agroholding”.

In a short time the modified plant at the head of which was Vadim Nikolev began to operate at а full power. By 2001 the poultry plant brought into operation 24 hen houses, 2 brooding houses, a boiler house, a feeding house, a killing room with the capacity of 1, 800 heads per hour and a sausage department with the capacity of 3 tons per shift.

The recreated enterprise hadn’t got its own breeding stock for getting tribal eggs but to April, 2000 there already was formed a parent flock.

Today OJSC poultry plant “Chuvashsky broiler” is a modern agricultural enterprise with a          closed-recirculation poultry meat production and its high-level processing with the output of 8, 000 tons of meat on hoof. As the result OJSC poultry plant “Chuvashsky broiler” manufacturers more than a half of all broiler chickens produced in the Chuvash Republic.

The enterprise successfully implements innovative technologies, gets new equipment, deals with such matters as production expansion, energy resource and feed saving. For example, the brooding house is implemented with the modern atomized and computerized equipment IP-36 the manufacturer of which is OJSC “Pyatigorsk”. As for the killing room there were brought into operation new slicing and packing lines and a new line of the Holland firm “MEYN” the capacity of which is 3, 000 heads per hour.

In addition to it, in all engineering buildings of the enterprise there is implemented the heating system produced by the Italian company “SYSTEMA” with infrared lamps that considerably admit to decrease gas consumption.

Modern cage equipment for boiler growing was implemented during the hen houses reconstruction. As the result the labor conditions and productive capacity of the hen houses are improving. It is also very important to mention that the floor space of the meat processing house is substantially expanded. All that allows turning out about 10 tons of the products per shift.

The parent flock provides the enterprise with hybrid eggs just as the considerable part of the hatching eggs are sold into other regions and districts.

Meeting the requirements of the modern market the enterprise pays much attention to the product quality. The range of the production manufactured at the enterprise is over than 80 items. OJSC poultry plant “Chuvashsky broiler” manufactures either traditional products (birds, semises, giblets) or smoked food, sausage products, cannelons, ham, fine food.

The chain of brand-name retail stores is always expanding where more than half of the manufactured goods of the enterprise are sold. 

High quality production of OJSC "Chuvashsky broiler" has been awarded and certified. The enterprise has also got the first-class diplomas for high productive and economic indicators both of All-Russian and International exhibitions. For example, the plant takes an active part in All-Russian Agricultural Exhibition that is annually organized in All-Russia Exhibition Center in Moscow. The Enterprise has achieved 12 gold, 7 silver and 4 bronze medals. It also participates in International exhibition-contest “All-Russian Brand Name. 21st Century Quality Trademark” and has won 9 platinum, 29 gold and 2 silver marks of quality.


 Director: Nikolaev Vadim Ivanovich

Address: village Shinerposi, Cheboksary district, Chuvash Republic, Russia

Zip code: 429513

Tel: (83540)29179, 29184

Fax: (83540)29179, 29184

E-mail: broiler@chuvbr.agroholding.ru
Website: :

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