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“Commercial enterprise “Suvar-2”, Ltd

In 2007 in the Chuvash Republic there was founded a new pig complex “Suvar-2” per 12, 000 pigs heads of the Canadian selection.

 “Commercial enterprise “Suvar-2”, Ltd corresponds to a modern complex with four buildings connected by a gallery. The pig complex consists of a sow farm, a nursery site, two buildings for pigs fattening, a number of auxiliary constructions and facilities, and a complete feed shop with the productivity of 1,5-2 tons per hour with a garner of 2, 000 tons. It is also planned to build a two-storeyed shop on meat processing with the productivity of 2 tons - smoked products, giblets, meat, fat, jackets etc. At the enterprise there are used different advanced technologies of hog growing and fattening.


Director: Aleksander Nikolaevich Nikanorov

Address: village Shinerposi, Cheboksary district, Chuvash Republic, Russia

Zip code: 429513

Tel/fax: (83540) 28762, (8352) 502400

E-mail: subar@orionet.ru

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