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Chuvash State Agricultural Academy

The full name of the Academy is the Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education “Chuvash State Agricultural Academy”.

The Academy if an assignee of the Chuvash Agricultural Institute that was founded according to the resolution of 1931 passed by the Russian Council of People's Commissars. Later on in 1995 the Institute was modified into the Academy. The academy has received a license A № 164920 dated March 30, 2005 and the state accreditation certificate B № 000601 dated July 20, 2005.

There are five departments of on-site training and one off-site training department. In addition to it, in the Academy there is a department of continuing professional education. The term at all departments is as follows: on-site training – 5 years, off-site training – 6 years. The Academy also offers educational sharp and target preparation programs or courses. Undergraduates receive a specialist state-recognized degree.

The training of specialists is being carried out on the following specializations:

·        Accounting, audit

·        Agricultural system management and applied economics

·        Agronomical science

·        Agricultural engineering

·        Agriproduct processing

·        Service engineering and agricultural machine service

·        Animal science

·        Veterinary sciences

·        Agricultural fleet


Students of the Academy have also a great opportunity to join an additional course, for example, driving, computer operating, machine milking, apiculture etc. At call of the students and professors there is modern lab equipment, a motor vehicle fleet, computer labs and other study aids. It is regularly refilled and renewed the fund of scientific literature of the Academy.

As for the Postgraduate centre of the Academy it carries out trainings on 16 specializations. There are also Councils of PhD thesis presentations. In addition to it, one can receive the second higher education. There are also personnel development courses for specialists of agriculture and transport.


Director: Nikolay Kirillovich Kirillov

Address: 29, Karla Marksa St., Cheboksary, Chuvash Republic, Russia

Zip code: 428003

 Tel/fax: (8352) 622334 (receptionist), (8352) 624191 (department of foreign affairs)

Web site: http://academy21.ru

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