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5. Our Journal

Since 2006 the State Unitary Enterprise “Agro-Innovations” has been publishing a quarterly same-name journal “Agro-Innovations”. The main aim of the journal is to inform heads and specialists of the agricultural enterprises of the Chuvash Republic about modern technologies, innovative methods of management, running exhibitions and trainings.

The journal gives coverage to the condition and perspectives of agricultural development of the Chuvash Republic and the Russian Federation, the last gains in the farming sector, technical innovations, scientific research results and approaches, advanced experience and know-how of the Russian and foreign enterprises. The target audience of the journal is heads of the agricultural enterprises and reprocessors, managers and specialists of the farming sector, businessmen, and participants of the agricultural production and representatives of the legislative and executive branches.

The periodical “Agro-Innovations” is registered in the Russian Federal Surveillance Service for Compliance with the Law in Mass Communications and Cultural Heritage Protection in Volga federal district. The certificate PE № FS 18-3405 dated June 15, 2007.

The journal “Agro-Innovations” is the only one functional color journal in the Chuvash Republic that is devoted to the farming sector and agricultural lines.

The main heads of the journal: methods and technology, animal industry, crop science, legislation, exhibitions, price monitoring on the agricultural production, food and basic raw materials.
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