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1. International Cooperation

The state unitary enterprise “Agro-Innovations” collaborates with different countries all over the world. The enterprise extensively cooperates with such countries as Germany, the Slovak Republic, Hungary, Holland and Canada. The cooperation focuses on the following areas:


1)the creation of regional consumer cooperatives in the Chuvash Republic;

2)the development of live-stock and pig breeding, and the reconstruction of  live-stock houses;

3)establishing contacts with foreign agricultural businesses and organizations, machinery producers and governmental structures that are interested in mutually beneficial cooperation with Chuvash agricultural manufacturers.


Different events directed on the mutually beneficial cooperation of Chuvash agricultural manufacturers with potential foreign partners are regularly organized: visits of foreign delegations, foreign companies’ presentations, round tables and meetings. In addition to it, all Chuvash agricultural organizations have a free access to update database about international agricultural exhibitions and programs financed by foreign funds. With the aim of farm marketing development the state unitary enterprise “Agro-Innovations” not only informs agricultural producers about different international exhibitions but also makes all retreat and visit arrangements. The information about foreign cooperation with the CIS and far-abroad countries, presentational materials about the Chuvash Republic are also duly gathered and furnished to the public authorities of the Chuvash Republic.

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